From Logo to Storytelling: Designing an Enduring Brand Identity

Ever looked at a logo and immediately felt an emotional connection to the brand? Chances are they've mastered the art of visual storytelling. As a business owner, you want customers to feel that instant spark with your brand. You want a logo, color scheme, and messaging so memorable they're permanently etched into people's minds. Easier said than done, right? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We're going to show you the secrets to designing a brand identity so compelling, your customers won't be able to resist. By the time we're done, your brand will be so irresistible, people will be begging to throw money at you. Sound good? Then grab your notebook and let's get started. This is going to be fun!


6/24/202311 min read

Define Your Brand Voice

To build a memorable brand, you’ve got to develop a voice with personality. Your brand voice is how you speak to your customers—it’s the personality you project to the world. Forget the robot speak—it’s time to show some sass!

First things first, who are you? Get to know yourself—brand-wise, that is. Are you innovative trailblazers like Tesla, or quirky and fun like Old Spice? Maybe you’re caring and wholesome like Tom’s of Maine. Dig deep to find your brand’s essence.

Next, choose your words wisely. The language you use shapes how people perceive you. Go for a casual, lighthearted tone using words like “you,” “we,” and “let’s.” Throw in some humor! After all, who doesn’t like to do business with a brand that makes them smile?

Finally, maintain consistency. Whether in your marketing content, social media profiles, or customer service, your brand voice should be dependable. Don’t be too casual on Instagram and too formal on your website. Mix it up within reason. People will get confused if your voice is constantly changing.

Defining your brand voice takes work, but it allows your business to forge emotional connections with customers. When you speak authentically in your own unique way, your target audience will listen. Maybe they’ll even start a conversation! The opportunities are endless when you give your brand a voice as memorable as, well, our madcap personalities here at Mad Bubble! What are you waiting for? Set your brand's voice free!

Develop a Memorable Visual Identity

To create a memorable visual identity, you need to think beyond just a logo. Developing a cohesive brand image takes work, but it will make your business unforgettable.

First, determine your brand's personality. Are you fun and quirky like us at Mad Bubble or more buttoned-up and professional? Your visuals should match your brand's voice. If you’re stumped, look to your team for inspiration—your own madcap genius is in there somewhere!

Next, focus on consistency. Use the same fonts, colors, and stylistic elements across all platforms. But avoid being too matchy-matchy; subtle contrasts keep things interesting. For example, we use electric purple for our website but neon green for social media.

Creating custom brand assets is key. Generic stock photos won’t cut it. Develop icons, illustrations, or photos unique to your brand. We worked with artists to design a mascot, the Mad Bubble Bot, which represents our playful and future-forward spirit.

Finally, tell your brand story through visuals. Share behind-the-scenes photos of your team or work process. Create graphics explaining your company's vision or origin story. Use video to give a peek into your company's culture. Help people connect with the human side of your brand.

With a memorable visual identity, your brand will bubble to the top of customers’ minds. And isn’t that the madcap marketing dream? Stand out, connect, and make digital waves that spread your brand story far and wide. The possibilities are endless!

Focus on Website Design

A custom web page design is essential for establishing your brand. Your website is like your online home—it’s where people can get to know the real you. Focus on the overall impression.

Your site should reflect your brand’s personality. Are you fun and quirky or polished and professional? A cohesive design with complementary colors and fonts will make a great first impression.

  • Choose 2-3 complementary brand colors to use throughout your site.

  • Select easy-to-read fonts that match your brand's style. Serif fonts like Times New Roman convey tradition, while sans serif fonts like Arial appear more modern.

  • Use the same header, footer, and page layout across all pages for consistency.

Tell your story.

Help visitors connect with your brand’s story and values. Share your company’s origin, mission, and vision. Explain how your products or services enrich people’s lives.

  • Include an ‘About Us’ page with your brand story and team bios.

  • Feature customer testimonials and case studies to demonstrate your impact.

  • Share behind-the-scenes photos and videos to humanize your brand.

Make it easy to navigate.

A logical site map and intuitive interface allow visitors to easily explore your content. Clearly highlight your products, services, and calls to action so people know exactly what you offer and how to get started.

  • Include obvious navigation menus at the top of each page.

  • Use visuals like icons to enhance navigation when possible.

  • Limit the number of clicks needed to access important content.

A custom website is the perfect place to showcase what makes your brand unique. Focus on visually representing your brand personality, telling your story in an authentic way, and making the user experience as seamless as possible. Do this, and your website visitors will become your brand’s biggest fans in no time! What are you waiting for? Time to call your web designer!

Leverage the Power of Storytelling

Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your customers on an emotional level and keep them engaged with your brand. Who doesn’t love a good story? As humans, we’re wired for narrative.

Share Your Brand’s Origin Story

How did your company come to be? What motivated you to start the business? Share the challenges and triumphs along the way. Your origin story gives customers insight into your values and vision. It allows them to connect with the heart and humanity behind your brand.

Highlight Your Customers’ Stories

Feature stories from your happy customers on your website or social media. Their stories of success and transformation after using your product or service are extremely compelling to new potential customers. Ask customers if you can interview them on how your business impacted them in a meaningful way.

Use Storytelling in Your Marketing

  • Create video content showing how your product or service enhances your customers’ lives through storytelling. Short documentaries, testimonial videos and behind-the-scenes footage are all great ways to achieve this.

  • Share stories on your blog, newsletter, and social media. For example, do a series of posts highlighting how different customers discovered and fell in love with your brand.

  • Use visual storytelling with images that spark curiosity and emotion. Photos of people engaging with your product or service in an authentic way tell a powerful story.

Keep Your Story Consistent

The story you tell through all of your marketing and content should remain consistent. Don’t change the details or contradict yourself. Customers will lose trust in your brand if the narrative is constantly shifting or doesn’t quite add up. Think of your brand story as the foundation that supports all of your messaging and content. Build upon it, but don’t alter it.

Using storytelling in your branding and marketing is a compelling way to forge lasting connections with your customers. When done well, stories create emotions and inspire action in a way that facts and statistics alone never could. Stories give your brand heart, spirit and a voice that resonates.

Build a Strong Social Media Presence

Building a strong social media presence is key to connecting with your target audience and boosting brand awareness. As a business, social media is your chance to show some personality and engage with customers in an authentic way.

Be Active and Post Regularly

The more you post, the more opportunities you have to connect with your followers. Aim for posting 2-3 times per week on major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Share content like blog posts, photos, fun links, or start discussions. Staying active and posting regularly builds familiarity and trust.

Focus on Engagement

Rather than constantly pushing sales or promotions, focus on engaging with your followers in a genuine way. Respond to comments and questions, like and comment on followers’ posts, and participate in discussions. Your followers will appreciate the personal interaction and become more loyal as a result.

Tailor Content

Get to know your audience and tailor content to their interests and needs. For example, if many followers are small business owners, share tips on productivity or managing teams. If lots of followers are eco-friendly, promote sustainability practices. Tailoring content builds trust, a key factor for social media success.

Use the Right Tools

Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social make it easy to schedule posts in advance, see analytics, and optimize engagement. Look for tools that let you see the best times to post, suggest hashtags, and analyze your followers’ demographics. Using the right tools can seriously improve your social media game and save time.

Show Your Fun Side

While professionalism is important, don’t be afraid to show some personality on social media. Share behind-the-scenes photos of your team, post a fun meme or gif, and start a caption contest. Showing your brand’s fun, human side makes you more relatable and helps followers connect on an emotional level.

With consistency, quality content, engagement, and the right tools, you'll be well on your way to building a strong social media presence and lasting customer relationships. Keep experimenting to see what works best for your unique brand and audience. The possibilities for connection and growth are endless!

Be Consistent Across Channels

One of the biggest mistakes brands make is being inconsistent across platforms. You spent all this time crafting your visual identity and brand voice, so stick to it! Your customers should experience the same consistent brand personality whether they’re browsing your website, chatting with your support team, or seeing your latest social media post.

Keep your messaging consistent

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t contradict yourself across channels or change your story to suit different audiences. Your brand’s core message should stay the same. Whether in an email newsletter, blog post, or product listing, keep hammering that message home. People may need to hear something a few times before it sinks in!

  • Use the same tone and style: If your brand voice is fun and quirky on social media, don’t switch to stiff and formal on your website.

  • Repeat your key messages: Look for opportunities in each communication to reinforce your brand promise and core values.

Visual identity consistency is key

Your logo, color palette, fonts, and overall visual style should remain consistent across channels. This helps customers instantly recognize your brand and builds familiarity and trust.

  • Use your logo, brand colors, and fonts everywhere: on your website, social media, print materials, product packaging, etc.

  • Ensure photos and videos have the same style: If your brand's photography style is bright and airy, don't use dark and moody images on your website.

Omnichannel experiences

Customers today expect seamless experiences across channels. Make sure someone who contacts your support team gets the same great experience as someone browsing your latest social media campaign.

  • Share content across platforms: Cross-promote your latest blog post on social media and in your email newsletter.

  • Personalize for each channel: While your messaging remains consistent, tailor the content to match how people use each channel. Keep social media posts short and eye-catching, while blog posts and email newsletters can be more in-depth.

Following these tips will ensure your customers always have a consistent experience with your brand, no matter where they interact with you. And that, my friends, is the key to building trust and loyalty.

Provide Great Customer Experience

A great customer experience is the foundation of any successful brand. If your customers have an amazing experience with your business, they’ll become your most enthusiastic advocates.

Focus on the customer journey

See your business through your customers’ eyes. Map out the entire customer journey, from first contact to purchase and beyond. Look for any pain points or areas that could be improved. Ask yourself:

  • What do my customers really want and need?

  • How can I make their experience as simple and pleasant as possible?

  • Are my products, services, and support easily accessible when customers need them?

Once you understand the customer journey, make changes to streamline and enhance the experience. Little things can make a big difference.

Provide real-time assistance

In today’s on-demand world, customers expect help and answers right away. Make sure you offer:

  • Live chat on your website

  • Quick response times on social media (within an hour if possible!)

  • Phone support with minimal wait times

  • Self-service resources like FAQs, how-to guides, and video tutorials

Give customers flexibility and control

Customers appreciate having options and some degree of control over their experience. Consider offering:

  • Self-service tools so customers can do things on their own time

  • Multiple purchasing methods (online, phone, in-store, etc.)

  • Cancelation and return policies that give customers peace of mind

  • Personalized experiences tailored to customers’ unique needs and preferences

Listen and learn

The best way to improve the customer experience is by listening to your customers. Actively monitor reviews, survey customers regularly, and track your net promoter score (how likely customers are to recommend your business). Look for trends and make changes based on customer feedback. Your customers will appreciate your responsiveness, and your business will continue to evolve to meet their needs.

Continuously Improve and Innovate

To keep your brand identity fresh and relevant, you’ve got to continuously improve and innovate. If not, your brand risks becoming as outdated as a flip phone.

Mix Things Up

Throw your brand a curveball now and then. Release a new logo variation or font, start a video series, or launch some experimental social media campaigns. Shake up consumer expectations and keep them on their toes. As long as you stay true to your brand’s core values and voice, these kinds of variations will make you appear innovative and help avoid the “same old, same old” syndrome.

Get Feedback

Don’t operate in a vacuum. Survey your customers and clients to get their input on what’s working and what's not. See if your messaging is resonating and if there are any pain points you can address. Consider running focus groups or doing one-on-one interviews to gain deeper insights. Make it easy for people to give feedback on your website, social media, and email marketing. Then, actually, listen to what they say and implement changes.

Track How You're Perceived

Monitor how your brand is perceived by doing online research. See what people are saying about you on social media, review sites, industry forums, and news outlets. Look for common themes and keywords associated with your brand. If the overall perception isn’t matching what you intend, you may need to strengthen your messaging or address issues. Also, track key metrics like website traffic, social followers, email open rates, and sales to ensure your brand continues to capture interest.

Making continuous improvements and trying new things will prevent your brand from becoming stale. While consistency is key, brands also need to show signs of progress and forward momentum to remain compelling. Think of your brand as a work of art—it’s never truly finished, so keep perfecting and polishing to make it as impactful as possible. Keep at it and your brand will stand the test of time.

FAQs: Branding Essentials

So you want to build a brand, huh? No problem, we’ve got you covered with some FAQs to get you started.

Do I really need a brand?

Unless you plan to remain an anonymous entity, yes, you need a brand. Your brand is what differentiates you from the competition and builds loyalty with your customers. Without it, you’re just another face in the crowd.

How do I create a brand identity?

First, figure out what makes you unique. What’s your brand story? What do you stand for? Then design a visual identity to match, including a logo, color palette, fonts, etc. Your brand identity should be consistent across all channels so people instantly recognize you.

What’s the difference between a logo and a brand?

A logo is just one part of your brand. Your brand includes your mission, values, personality, and the overall experience you provide to customers. Your logo, website, product design, and marketing all build your brand in people’s minds.

How much does branding cost?

Branding can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $500,000 or more for a major rebrand. It depends on the scope of work. You’ll want to budget for things like:

  • Market research

  • Brand strategy development

  • Visual identity design (logo, color palette, fonts, etc.)

  • Brand guidelines

  • Marketing materials (business cards, stationery, website, etc.)

  • Initial advertising and promotion of your new brand

The investment may seem steep, but a strong brand can lead to increased revenue, customer loyalty, and business value in the long run. Think of it as an investment in your company’s future. Digital Ad Agencies like Mad Bubble provide premium branding services at 1/100th the price point, while still providing you high-quality brand identity.

How do I promote my brand?

Some effective ways to promote your brand include:

  • Social media marketing

  • Content creation (blog posts, videos, photos, etc.)

  • Online advertising

  • Sponsoring local events

  • Building partnerships or sponsorships

  • Entering industry awards

  • Speaking at conferences

  • Offering free resources or tools to your target audience

The more you promote your brand, the more familiar it will become to people. But don’t overwhelm—be authentic and consistent. Stay active in the channels where your customers spend time. Keep putting your brand in front of people, and they’ll come to recognize and trust you.


So there you have it—your blueprint for a brand identity that will stand the test of time. Follow these simple rules, get creative, find your unique voice, craft a story that resonates, and be consistent in how you present yourself across the board. Do that, and you'll build an unforgettable brand in no time. Keep tweaking and improving as needed, but remember—the core of who you are should always stay the same. Your logo and visuals may change with the trends, but your brand essence is forever. Now get out there, make some branding magic, and show the world what you're made of! The spotlight is yours.